New! Outdoor Gong Meditation

Set in beautiful farmland in Frodsham Cheshire. Come and destress, relax, switch off and experience the healing soundwaves of the gongs. You’ll need your own blanket and pillow but a sanitised yoga mat can be provided if you don’t have your own.

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Gong meditation Cheshire


improved sleep

escape the world

switch off

time for you

deep relaxation


improved sleep


What is gong meditation?

The gong as a meditation tool has been around for thousands of years. The sound-waves can interrupt the brainwave patterns of your busy, stressed mind to allow access to the more semi-conscious dream like brainwave states similar to that just before sleep. Vibrations from the gong can ripple through the body and release emotional blockages and stress.

What happens?

Just lie under your warm blanket and mat – close your eyes - drift off to the sounds of the gong – no participation needed – leave the rest to me. Monthly gong meditation delivered in beautiful surroundings throughout Cheshire and at festivals nationwide.


Improved sleep
Escape the world
Time for you
Deep relaxation
Switch off
No items found.


What happens in a typical session?

You’ll lie on a yoga mat, under a warm blanket, with an eye mask if needed.

The session starts with a short guided meditation before the Gong is played in a variety of ways.

No participation is needed. At the last strike of the Gong there is a few minutes silence.

The session ends with an offering of high cacao content chocolate.

What do I need to bring?

You will need to bring your own mat, blanket and pillow but you can borrow a mat if you don't have one. You may want to bring some water for after the session.

How long is a session?

Each session is 1 hour long. 

What do I wear?

Come in whatever makes you comfortable

Are there any medical conditions that prevent me from attending?

Gong meditation is not suitable for those with: sound induced epilepsy, severe tinnitus, metal implants, pacemaker, who are pregnant or have been diagnosed with a serious mental health condition. If you are unsure in any way please consult your doctor or health care practitioner prior to attending

Where can I attend a session?

Wellbeing Wave currently holds monthly sessions in Frodsham, Chester, Tarporley, Stockton Heath and Warrington

How much does a session cost?

From £12-£15 depending on venue costs and location

How often do you recommend attending a session?

Wellbeing Wave offers monthly sessions across Cheshire but people can and do attend more than once a month - the choice is yours.

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